January is all about Red, the first colour of the rainbow… Here’s what I found:
I recently graduated with a diploma in ‘Professional Photography’, however I feel like I have only just begun to learn and have so very much more to do before I am properly comfortable calling myself ‘A Photographer’ (let alone a ‘professional’ one).
So the only way forward for me now, is to take loads and loads and loads and then loads more photographs, practising all that I have learnt thus far until the whole technical process becomes second nature to me and it can all just become about the creativity.
In order to give myself some sort of direction other than just ‘go and take loads of pictures’, I have set myself a simple project to get the ball rolling, The Rainbow.
It really is very simple (hopefully I don’t regret saying that in a few weeks time!) For the next seven months I am going to shoot the colours of the rainbow. January is Red, February is Orange, March is Yellow… you get the idea. Pictures can be of anything, as long as the current colour is present.
With any luck, at the end of the seven months I will have a big fat Pot ‘o Gold-esque pile of images that i’m proud of 🙂
We’re already three days into Jan and I only have a couple of ‘Red’ shots in the magic box so I best get a wriggle on…
Wish me luck!